Our Vision

Urban Community Mission and Outreach.

To share the gospel to the neglected & disadvantaged community through tutoring, family life support and client involvement in community services.

The Christian Respite Family Service is a unique ministry that has been very close to my heart. For many years we’ve been praying for the birth of this ministry outreach to the many families of children with learning and emotional issues. Over the years, we’ve seen many families come to know Christ and their lives restored. Also, the changes in the hearts and minds of these children can only be done by God’s power. I thank God that this ministry is now expanding and blessing not only the families but the many youth respite workers who have answered the call of God to join hands to be servants of Christ.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”​ — Matthew 25:40

Annie Kwok

Board of Directors

SAMUEL SIUExecutive Director
Before the birth of CRFS as a formal organization, he helped pioneer its ministry alongside Cecilia in assisting children and families with special needs in the Richmond School District. Since all those years ago, he has actively committed himself and his giftings to serving as a volunteer leader and teacher within children fellowship groups as well as fulfill various administrative duties and roles. Within CRFS, he currently works as a private tutor and manages the children fellowship and parenting group. Other commitments include leading an Awana Trek program, writing sci-fi novels for Film/TV adaption, and teaching classes on biblical studies and theology at his home church.
ANNIE KWOKBoard Director
A faithful Christian, humble mentor, pastoral counsellor, a certified spiritual director and gifted pianist who inspires many through art, music, and words of compassion and wisdom. She has championed our cause since the beginning and continues to be a vocal support for the organization. She has served on the Board of Directors for over 5 years.
Founder and executive director of CRFS since its earliest conception. She has committed a great portion of her life to assist the special needs community in Richmond. Her work as a Child & Family Therapist has enabled her to work closely with students in the Richmond School District which is what eventually led to the start up of the organization. Her heart for the people is awe-inspiring and simply contagious.
JESSIE LEUNGBoard Director
A pillar of insight, diligence and encouragement. Currently employed as a teacher in Vancouver, she has served on the Board of Directors for 5 years closely assisting Cecilia with administrative work such as filing and review of critical documents including the registry of the organization as a charitable non-profit. Despite her busy schedule, she continues to provide
invaluable advice and manage administrative duties behind the scenes.
Sheelu Chan
Sheelu ChanBoard Director
An administrator at Lord’s Peace Chapel who serves as an active member on the Board of Directors and various areas within the organization. She teaches and oversees our Children and Parent’s Fellowships held every week at Trinity Lutheran Church. The community and Board is blessed to have her serve alongside us.




I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me